29 March 2025
Spirit of Place winners revealed

A successful awards night on Wednesday, August 14 was held at the Little Magpie Gallery in Kendal Street.

The gallery was packed to the brim and spilling out onto the street for the event.

Thank you artists and visitors.

A big thanks to Sue Sims, Louise Hattenfels, Carmen Date and Catherine Bennett for their help with catering and drinks.

A huge thank you to the very generous local anonymous sponsor.

And thanks to the discerning judge Peter Haynes, Jayarna Cook for doing the acknowledgment of country and deputy mayor Paul Smith for speaking on behalf of Cowra Council.

Winners are:

First prize Rhonda Campbell with her painting "Breakout".

Highly commended Elisa McLeod with "Co-existence-in the shadow of peace".

Highly commended Sonia Turner @soniaturner886 with her photograph "Ghost Gums".

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Highly commended Greg Daly with his ceramic piece.

Highly commended Amanda Holman with "mist clearing at Cowra".

Special Judge's Award donated by Peter Haynes to Cherie McCabe for her pit fired piece "Grounded".

Judges Award donated by Peter Haynes to Mary-Ann Wright for her felt sculpture " Galari Bila Embrace".

The exhibition runs until September 1.

Make sure you pop in and vote for your "people's choice".

Last day for voting is Saturday, August 31 and the People's Choice winner will be announced on September 1.

The lucky artist is up for a $500 prize.

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