27 March 2025
Mobile blackspot feedback invited

Following the opening of Round 8 of the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP), Riverina MP Michael McCormack is inviting feedback from Riverina constituents about where they would like to see improved mobile coverage.

“Round 8 of the Mobile Black Spot Program is now open for Mobile Network Operators and Mobile Network Infrastructure Providers to make applications,” Mr McCormack said.

“A total of $55 million is up for grabs under Round 8 for the purposes of co-funding projects to deliver new, resilient mobile coverage in regional and remote areas of Australia which are prone to natural disasters.

“As part of the application process, applicants are encouraged to consult with State, Territory and Local Governments, as well as local communities, to help ensure telecommunication infrastructure is delivered where it is needed most.

“To assist with this process, I am calling for members of the public to contact me with locations which they believe need better mobile connectivity.

“Such locations will be listed on the Mobile Blackspot Round 8 Project Noticeboard which will inform program applicants of areas in need for their application.

“Applications for Round 8 of the MBSP close on 30 April 2025, whilst the Project Noticeboard closes on 7 February 2025.

“I ask that any feedback regarding mobile blackspots and potential sites for improvements be sent to my office in a concise email before 31 January 2024.

“I look forward to hearing the community’s feedback and continuing to advocate for improved phone coverage in the Riverina.”

Feedback on locations which could benefit from improved mobile coverage should be emailed to

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Project proposals on the Round 8 Project Noticeboard may also be submitted by Local Governments.

The Mobile Black Spot Program was established by the former Coalition Government and has generated a total investment of more than $1 billion to deliver up to 1,400 new mobile base stations across Australia.