29 March 2025
At least 18 months behind bars for break ins

A 20-year-old man involved in a series of break and enters at Cowra businesses in July and August 2024 has been jailed for three years.

Lachlan Ballard-Fisher was on parole, after serving a jail term for aggravated break and enter, when he committed the July and August break and enters.

Sentencing Ballard-Fisher in the Local Court on October 30 magistrate Rana Daher imposed a non parole period of 18 months for break and enters at the Kendal Street Cafe, the United Petrol Station and Cafe Ruze and an attempted break and enter at the Rose Garden Cafe.

Ballard-Fisher was also charged with hindering police and possessing a prohibited drug - cannabis leaf.

In custody since August 2 Ballard-Fisher appeared before the Local Court via audio visual link.

Asking the court not to jail his client, Ballard-Fisher’s solicitor, Clive Hill told the court “Whilst these matters cross the threshold (for a jail sentence) this young man is in danger of being institutionalized”.

“Jail time has not turned his life around.

“He’s very much the follower in his peer group,” Mr Hill said, adding his client had suffered a number of injuries since his arrest.

Ballard Fisher was with a number of other people during the offences.

Ballard-Fisher, Mr Hill said, is currently in protective custody.

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“It’s a continuous conduct,” magistrate Daher said after hearing from the police prosecution “it really comes down to a length of time”.

“It’s just too serious to deal with by way of ICO (Intensive Corrections Order),” Ms Daher agreed.

Ballard-Fisher will be eligible for release on February 1, 2026 after Ms Daher made a finding of special circumstances.

The first of the break and enters occurred during the early hours of July 26 at Cowra’s United Service Station where Ballard-Fisher and another person smashed a front window before stealing goods and cash valued about $600 including cigarette lighters, electrical items, chocolate bars and various other food items.

About 3.10am on August 27 his attention was turned to Cafe Ruze where a window was smashed and approximately $1000 in cash taken before a similar amount was taken from Kendal Street Cafe on August 1.

Ballard-Fisher and another person then attempted to gain entry to the Rose Garden Cafe on August 2 failing to gain entry after removing a fly screen and then causing damage to a front window.

The hindering police and possessing prohibited drug charges against Ballard-Fisher arose during his arrest which took place on August 2.

Told by police he was under arrest he replied “Am I” before kicking out and becoming involved in a short struggle.

A subsequent search revealed he was carrying 0.8 grams of cannabis leaf.

He was jailed for two months on the hindering police charge with no further action taken for the possession charge.