5 March 2025
Man in critical condition after farm accident.

Just after 2pm Thursday 27th February, ambulance and other emergency services were called to reports of a male in his forties who had crashed an all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) on a rural property at Millamolong, near Mandurama.

The patient was several hundred metres down a ravine at the location. He was initially trapped, prior to being released by emergency services negotiating arduous and steep terrain in what NSW Ambulance described as a 'complex rescue.'

Ambulance crews from Blayney, Orange and Special Operations crews from Cowra responded along with NSW Police and NSW RFS to the incident. The patient was treated for significant traumatic injuries, being winched from the location by ambulance helicopter, being flown to a Sydney hospital for treatment in a critical condition.

NSW Ambulance's Tom Doolan said local collaboration and interoperability between NSW Police, RFS and Ambulance staff was critical to the success of the rescue.

Vehicle rollovers from quad bikes continue to be the biggest cause of injury and fatalities on Australian farms. There were nineteen fatalities on quad bikes in Australia in 2024, with 226 since 2011 when Safework began isolating data on quadbike accidents, distinct from other similar vehicles like side-by-side vehicles.

Safework urged users to take precautions and install roll bars and use helmets while on the job, saying "A roll bar and wearing a helmet can make the difference between a minor incident and a life-long injury – or even death."

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