27 March 2025
On The Green - Vet’s Golf


Cowra Veteran Golfers had a good turn out despite the high temperatures last Thursday 30.1.25. with 47 players fronting up for their 9 hole event. Winners are coming from all comers each week with Peter Taylor coming out on top on Thursday.

The 18 hole Pro comp which is run conjointly with the vets event each week was down a few players with 49 players. This event was taken out by Emanuel Attardwith 39 pts closely followed by Jarrod Wood and Peter Kirwan. Next week Thursday 6.2.25 marks the start of the new vets season with handicaps reverting to players golf link handicap then adjusted by the vets handicap each week depending on on results.

Vets results Thursday 30.1.25 played holes 1- 9 Voucher winners 1/ Peter Taylor 2/ Will Sutton 3/ Ross Skene 4/ Warren James 5/ Bill Attard 6/ Dave Henley 7/ Bob D’Elboux 8/ Dave Thomas 9/ Brad Dunk 10/ David Spolding 11/ Adam Rodger’s

Pro Comp 18 hole Stableford

A Grade

1/ Jarrod Wood 38 pts

2/ Peter Kirwan 37 pts

3/ Jeffery MacPherson 36 pts

B Grade

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1/ Emanuel Attard 39 pts

2/ Warren James 36 pts

3/ Christopher Doorey 34 pts

Nearest the pin sponsored by by Jamie Judd 7th hole Not Hit 14th hole Jeffry MacPherson

Saturday Day 1.2.25 Monthly Medal sponsored by Dave Thomas Rod Haug & Jamie Judd attracting 63 players was won by Dilan Jordan with a nett score of 64

Men’s A Grade (0-12)

1st- Han Kang nett 69

2nd- Michael Curtale net 71 c/ b

3rd- Nicky Basson net 71 c/b

Scratch- Michael Curtale scr71

B-Grade (12-18)

1st- Matt Dunn nett 72

2nd- Dave Thomas nett 73

3rd- Caley Mok net 74 c/b

Scratch- Matt Dunn scr 7 c/b

C Grade (18+)

1st- Dilan Jordan nett 64

2nd- Jason Smith nett 68

3rd- John Newton nett 72

Scratch- Dilan Jordan scr 88

Brother Fox Putting Comp- Tom Perfect 24 putts

Subway Nearest the pin

5th hole Terry John’s 377cm

7th hole Richard Enzerink 178 cm

14th hole Han Kang 359 cm

16th hole Jimmy Bryant 680cm

Leigh Browne Builder Nearest the Pin

3rd hole Nicky Basson 205 cm

10th hole Terry John’s 564 cm