23 February 2025
Opera singer gifts song to St Raphael’s students

Famous Japanese Opera Singer Atsuko Arai, has gifted students from St. Raphael's Catholic School Cowra a special present for their wonderful backing singing performance along with children from Seiki and Shiroishi schools in Japan, at the Cowra POW Camp to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Breakout.

The gift, is a song Atsuko wrote for the students. It contains the lyrics for the songs sung by the students with Atsuko in both Japanese and English.

Called "A Love Message" to the children of Cowra, it is a special offering that now takes pride and place at the school and serves as a permanent reminder of the role Cowra and St. Raphael's played in the commemorations.

Arai, who has performed with The Wiggles in series 6 of Ready, Steady, Wiggle and It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! is a famous Japanese female artist born in Kyoto, Japan

Her first verified exhibition was The Game of Manners--Japanese Art in 1990 Second Phase at Mito Geijutsu-kan in Mito in 1990, and the most recent exhibition was Oc C U R R Ent at Jorge B. Vargas Museum in Quezon City in 2022.

She is most frequently exhibited in Japan, but also had exhibitions in Spain, Germany and elsewhere around the world with at least three solo shows and 9 group shows over the last 32 years.

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