29 March 2025
Mulyan’s fairy bread day

Students at Mulyan Public School love to celebrate special days. Fairy Bread Day is the 24th November every year. It supports the Pyjama Foundation, raising money for children in need. Students in all grades participated in making, and eating, fairy bread.

Using their literacy skills, they developed a procedure to make the fairy bread, and successfully followed it. They used their fine motor skills to make sure their bread was buttered and the 100s and 1000s were spread evenly. Some even very carefully cut their fairy bread into triangles, making trays of yummy fairy bread to eat. Working together, students cleaned up afterwards, making sure our school is a clean and tidy space to learn.

The staff also shared in Fairy Bread Day, dressing up and sharing a tray of fairy bread at recess.

You can see from the big smiles that the kids at Mulyan Public School love Fairy Bread Day!