29 March 2025
Community Grants now closed

The latest round of Cowra Shire Council's Community Grants Program is now closed.

Assessment will be delayed until a new council is sworn in and committee delegates appointed which may not be until October.

The last round of funding had a total of 21 applications after opening on August 1 last year with 15 approved totalling $17,373.50. This round, applicants were able to apply for grants falling under five categories including - building and facility development, arts and culture, small capital equipment, sport and recreation as well as new community events.

The Cowra Shire Council twice-yearly Community Grants Program provides funding to a maximum value of $3000 per financial year to local not-for-profit and primarily volunteer- run based community groups within the Cowra Shire. Council have provided community groups with funding for 344 projects in the nine years since the programs commencement in August 2015 totalling almost $406,922.84.

Details and guidelines are available at Council’s website: or contact Cowra Shire Council’s Grants and Executive Projects Officer, Lawrance Ryan on (02) 6340 2035 or email: