6 March 2025
Cowra Ladies Probus news


Our first meeting for 2025 was held on Friday Feb 14th at Cowra Bowling Club.

Listening to the chatter in then room, our members were glad to be back to our very popular Probus club.

Our guest speaker was unable to attend. At short notice, our committee member Judie Eddington filled in for her.

Growing up in Cowra, Judie loved to sing, starring each year in our local Cowra Eisteddfod.

Growing older, Judie decided to move to Sydney where she began singing in bands. Judie really enjoyed her lifestyle. As the years passed, Judie decided to move back to Cowra.

Judie now belongs to many organisations such as the Cowra Family History Group, Cowra Christmas Beach Party, and the Cowra Eisteddfod group - as well as Probus (how lucky are we?)

Judie ended her talk, singing us a song. 'Absolutely Fabulous' (which it was).

Secretary Trish thanked Judie and presented her with a beautiful bunch of flowers. Our members Trish and Pam have many trips in plan for our new Probus year. The Merimbula trip in May is now booked out - stay tuned.

Men's and ladies Probus clubs will be supporting each other with trips and mystery tours.

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Our next meeting being march the 14th, a general meeting, 10am at the bowling club. including morning tea ($5) and a guest speaker. As it is our festival of international understanding focusing on India, India will be our topic.

After our meeting we will be attending our AGM so members please think about joining our committee or nominate someone else, to keep our club the club that it is.