Cano Show girl entrants named

The Canowindra Show and Young Woman and Rural Ambassador program is thrilled to unveil its talented entrants for the 2024 competition. This year is a celebration to the dedication and creativity of our Senior and Junior entrants, showcasing their passion for the arts and community engagement. The outstanding young candidates are as follows -

Our Senior Entrants for 2024 are Rianna Reeves, Maddi Cooper, Letisha Woods and Abbigale Carroll.

These exceptional individuals have demonstrated remarkable skill and innovation, embodying the spirit of our community through their unique contributions.

Our Junior Entrants for 2024 we are equally excited to announce our Junior Entrants are Lacey Duguid, Bella Gordon and Sophie Smyth.

These young talents are set to inspire us with their creativity and enthusiasm, representing the bright future of Canowindra.

The committee invite the community to join in supporting our entrants as they prepare for the competition. Each participant has dedicated countless hours to their craft, and their hard work deserves to be celebrated.

For more information about the competition and upcoming events, please visit their website or contact the program coordinator directly.